domingo, marzo 04, 2007

Recursos valiosos ofrecidos por el Center for Media Literacy

Les comparto una serie de recursos valiosos que ofrece el Center for Media Literacy. Encontrarán el enlace directo al Centro y su zona de descargas.

CML Completes MediaLit Kit™ Framework for K-12 Media Literacy Now all together in one place, the components of inquiry-based media literacy using the Five Core Concepts and CML's Five Key Questions of Media Literacy.

I. Theory: Literacy for 21st Century: An Overview & Orientation Guide
Explains media literacy pedagogy in plain language. Also: En Español! I

I. Practice: Five Key Questions That Can Change the World
Cornerstone lesson plans for K-12 across the curriculum

III. Implementation: Project SMARTArt: A Road to Follow
Discover innovative strategies for implementing media literacy and the arts while meeting state education standards in this comprehensive case study.

Media Literacy on Menu in Middle School Pilot Project

CML's "Media Literacy, A Recipe for Action," taught students media literacy skills as they learned about the key ingredients of a healthy diet.

CML CONNECT Newsletter - Read our latest Issue!

ALL NEW!Lesson Library: HIghlights from CML's Growing Collection

We Tell Stories - In four sessions, students learn about Elements of Storytelling and skills to originate a reenactment of a story that contains a Community concept. (Grades K-5)

Maps and the Pictures in our Head - Are maps media? Of course, and they're a perfect way to explore the 'constructedness' that is a building block of media literacy. Hidden Treasures: From CML's Reading Room Archive

The First TV Studio in an Elementary School

Screen-Agers...and the Decline of the "Wasteland"

From Savers to Spenders: How Children Became a Consumer Market This is only one of 22 media topic pages linking you to selected articles and reports from our Reading Room plus recommended resources for teaching and learning.

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